Week Notes – Jan 01 to Jan 12 2025
- I got back from Brazil feeling super tired because of the long trip. The total travel time was 24 hours, with 4 flights, 1 bus ride and lots of time waiting in airports. I started feeling my throat itch 2 days later.
- So, I was sick the whole week: some type of respiratory virus that was not COVID. The worse is gone, but I'm left with a cough, and I still haven't recovered my full lung capacity. I tried to run today, and I couldn't keep it up for more than 10 minutes. So, I'm still recovering. The doctor gave me a puffer to help with clearing the lungs.
- I'm also left with some headaches which I think is related to an occasional sinus congestion. It's getting better little by little.
- I had lots of planning I wanted to do this week, but because I was sick, I let it all on pause. I could take some time to read, in between naps. But I also worked a bit from home once I got a little better mid-week.
- I finished reading “Barrayar” by Lois McMaster Bujold and it was great! This book is unique because it's a fast-paced science fiction novel about motherhood. All kinds of motherhood: in utero, in vitro, in an artificial womb. It's part of a big series called Vorkosigan Saga, and this series is known as a feminist sci-fi ahead of its time (it started being written in the late 80's).
- I finished writing about my Dungeons and Dragons character background, her appearance and decided on a name: Astrid Silverhammer (very dwarvish and righteous).
Post 68/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!
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By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.