Noisy Deadlines


  • ✅ I’ve switched my task list management to Microsoft To Do and it’s been working well so far. It’s less overhead overall. I’m working on a blog post to describe the setup, which actually is not too different from previous setups I’ve tried before.
  • ⚖️ I got a new digital bathroom scale with BIG numbers! My dietitian is asking me to weight myself regularly at the same time in the morning and keep a record. My old scale is a mechanical one and the numbers are so small, I can’t read them.
  • 💊 I’m taking a lot of probiotics/supplements prescribed by my Naturopath, including one that will tamper down some of the H. Pylori present in my stomach. It seems I don’t have enough of the bacteria to call it an infection, but they might be contributing to my acid reflux (gastritis) symptoms.
  • ⛸️ I went to my first intermediate 2024 Fall Ice Skating class this Saturday. I was happy to know that: 1) I did not forget how to skate, and 2) I can still do my awkward forward cross-over counter-clockwise. So that means I’m just continuing from where I left off earlier this year. I’m enjoying my skates, all is working well.
  • 📺 We got Amazon Prime for 3 months and we started watching “The Rings of Power” Season 2 and “The Legend of Vox Machina” Season 3. We only saw the first episode of each so far.
  • 🧱My partner and I both worked with building heritage restoration for a long time in our careers. This weekend we attended a workshop about the use of traditional mortars, specifically, hot mixed lime pointing mortars used in stone masonry. It was a great excuse to drive to Kingston when the lovely fall colours are in bloom and be around Fort Henry near the river.
  • 📖 I’m relaxing reading this historical romance with such beautiful writing and fun banter. It’s called “How the Marquess Was Won” by Julie Anne Long. It’s my first time reading this author. I saw this book being praised in the Heaving Bosoms podcast and I just want to finish reading it to listen to the episode. It will be fun!

Currently reading

  • The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson
  • How the Marquess Was Won (Pennyroyal Green #6) by Julie Anne Long
  • Five Minds by Guy Morpuss (BookClub pick for November)
  • Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You by Ali Abdaal


Post 51/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes

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By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • ✍️ I’ve been thinking about writing a blog post this week, but it didn’t happen. Not just “week notes,” but a blog post focused on a topic. That got me thinking about my writing process—or if I even have one. I keep a list of blog post ideas in Standard Notes, but I haven’t checked it in a while. Time to change that! Let’s see how it goes next week.
  • ⛵ I took a couple of days off, and they flew by! I spent time reading, walking, resting, and generally relaxing. I wish I had journaled more, though.
  • 🐤 I got back into playing Stardew Valley🙌. I finally got the hang of fishing using the “c” on my keyboard to control the fishing bar. It’s so much better than clicking with the mouse! Thanks to Stardew Valley forums.
  • 🎃 My partner and I are going to a Halloween party at the end of the month! I’ve only been to two Halloween parties in my life (it wasn’t a big thing in Brazil). I got inspired and decided to accessorize a simple black dress to turn it into a sorcerer/mage outfit. I’m also getting a long purple cape with a hood because capes are cool! (This is the perfect excuse to get one) 😎
  • 🥇 I ran my third 10Km race this year! It was the Fall Colours Run. It was cold (5C) but not raining (thank goodness!). This race takes place in a scenic route starting at the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum. I managed to keep an average pace of 6:30/km, which is my personal best! I’m pleased with my running progress this year, especially since I wasn’t training for a marathon or anything. I just ran semi-regularly with no crazy goals in mind.
  • 🌃 We caught a glimpse of Northern Lights! It wasn’t dramatically intense, just faint since we were in our neighborhood with lots of light pollution. But I saw something, and I captured a bit of it in a night mode photo.

Currently reading

  • The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson
  • How the Marquess Was Won (Pennyroyal Green #6) by Julie Anne Long

Reading On Hold (I haven’t picked up in a couple of weeks)

  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel


Post 49/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes

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By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • 🏝️ September was a blur, and I feel like I did so many things! I started October feeling tired. I will have 2 days off this week before the Thanksgiving weekend! So, I’m going to have an extra-long weekend to recharge a bit.
  • 🧘‍♀️ I want to focus on my stress management this month. Although I have my routines in place to help me with anxiety, I’m still feeling tense overall.
  • I still have the occasional pain on my left hip that comes and goes. Very annoying! 😐
  • 🐉 I was invited to join a tabletop Dungeons and Dragons campaign set in Forgotten Realms! I’ve never really played in an in person setting. It will start in a couple of months, and I’m excited!
  • 🌹I wanted to read a romance with some Halloween vibes, but I can’t deal with horror/spooky/vampires stuff right now. So, I chose a book in my TBR that is historical fantasy with magic in Victorian England: Shadowbound (Dark Arts #1) by Bec McMaster.
  • 📖 I’m enjoying The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I finished Part 1 and started Part 2.
  • 📚 I never realize how much I've read in a month until I list out all the books at the end. And it's always a nice surprise, because I don't consider myself a fast reader. Last month was a record of mine with seven books! I’ve been doing a lot of reading instead of doing other stuff, and that adds up quick.
  • 🧩 We saw this store with puzzle on sale and we couldn’t resist getting 4 more puzzles: 2 from the Fine Art Collection by Eurographics with paintings from Vincent Van Gogh, one with the Legends of Zelda “Breath of the Wild” video game cover art and another one with a collage of all Iron Maiden album covers.

Currently reading

  • Shadowbound (Dark Arts #1) by Bec McMaster
  • A Thief in the Nude (Rushmore Brothers #1) by Olivia Waite
  • The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1) by Brandon Sanderson
  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Post 48/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

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By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • 💪 I got a pair of ankle weights to do my morning planks, bird-dogs, and crunches in the morning. I’ve also added the Donkey Kick to my morning series. The ankle weights I got are adjustable, so I’m starting with 2 lbs on each leg, but they can go up to 5lbs each leg.
  • 📖 I started reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. I've always been intimidated by the series books lengths (1,000+ pages). But I was itching for some good high fantasy world with an intricate magic system, so I took the plunge. Sanderson definitely delivers both good character and world building without doing boring info dumps. I’m enjoying it!
  • 🩺 I got results back from the endoscopy exam, and it just confirmed I have GERD with mild acid reflux. So, it’s nothing too serious (yet), I must keep on taking my PPI medication daily, watch out for trigger foods and eat smaller more frequent meals. No news for me there, I’ve been adjusting my diet with a registered dietitian.
  • 🌲 I went on a hike this Sunday! The weather was nice (not too hot, not too cold, less bugs) and a perfect sunny day. It was the first time me and my partner hiked the Wolf Trail at Gatineau Park. It’s not a beginner’s trail, because there is lots of elevation, rocks, tree roots and some muddy areas. I would say it’s intermediate to me. We parked at the nearest parking lot (P12, because P13 was already full), then walked 1Km to get to P13 to the head of the trail 62. On the way back we took the trail 38 then 40 to get back to P12 and get to our car. It was a total of 10 Km. We then had lunch at the Heron Lookout with a beautiful view of the valley (we packed some sandwiches).

Wolf Trail – Gatineau Park – September 29, 2024

Currently reading

  • The Highwayman by Kerrigan Byrne
  • The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel


Post 46/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes

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By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • 💻 I’ve been spending less and less time online these days. When I do is to search for a specific topic, address, information. I check my email, check my library books, read a book review, and that’s about it. I don’t feel like checking Mastodon anymore. I think I’ve been logging into Mastodon once or twice a week, and that’s it.
  • 🧀 There was a team Potluck at work where everyone could bring a dish that represents their heritage or their favorite food from their home country. I made Brazilian Cheese Breads and it was a success!
  • 🩺 I finally got a referral to do an endoscopy to check on my GERD (acid reflux) situation. I was overdue for this type of check-up, so now that’s done! Just waiting for the results and discuss with the doctor.
  • 🍎I’ve been enjoying my Diet Plan with Chia Pudding and Oatmeal for breakfast!
  • 🥇 I did the Canada Army Run! 10Km! I was trying to follow the 60min bunnie, but by the 7th km I had to slow down a bit. Well, I ended up doing 10K in 1 h 7 min, which is pretty awesome to me!
  • 📕 I’ve always wanted to read the series “The Stormlight Archive” by Brandon Sanderson. I was always intimated by the sizes of the books (the first one is 1,124 pages!). I was talking to a work colleague who is reading it, and I decided to try it. I will start reading it this week and see how it goes.
  • 📚 I created a Series Tracker in Excel so that I am aware of the series of books I started and how many books are left to finish it. I added the series I currently want to finish, and series I had once started but don’t want to finish. I have 14 ongoing series right now!

Currently reading

  • Children of Ruin (Children of Time #2) by Adrian Tchaikovsky
  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
  • Ravished by Amanda Quick


Post 44/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes

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By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • I skipped a week to write here because of the long weekend of Sep 02nd (aka Labour Day here in Canada).

  • 🌲 So, it was a lovely long weekend, and we had friends over. We went to Gatineau Park to visit the Mackenzie King Estate. We walked the trail to the waterfall and enjoyed the nice weather. It was a breezy and cool weekend, I loved it! I stayed mostly offline the whole weekend and it was refreshing.

  • 💻 And then this past weekend I almost didn’t use my computer, I was mostly reading, doing chores, errands, and walking. I’m noticing I feel calmer if I don’t constantly check new stuff. The more I stay away from new information stimuli, the less I want to consume new information. And I mean online feeds and timelines. But podcasts, if used in the right circumstances, I’m okay with. It works for me listening to podcasts while cleaning the bathroom or going to the gym.

  • 📕 I enjoyed being totally immersed in 1,100’s Scotland Highland times this weekend. I finished the book “The Bride” by Julie Garwood. I used all my free time to read this book, and it was so nice! It’s the type of writing I enjoy, where we can be inside the characters heads a lot. Now I want to research about Highlander plaids and how they managed to transform what is essentially a long piece of fabric into a “skirt” with pleats and have it stay there with a belt or something. Also, I leaned that kilts are different from plaids. Kilts are from later (around 1700’s).

  • 🍎 I am on the third week of following my new diet and it’s been not hard to adjust so far. I noticed some trigger foods like raw bell peppers, milk or lactose free milk and peppermint tea. I will not have milk anymore, only vegetal ones (like sugar free soy or almond milk). Also, I will stop drinking caffeinated teas (like Earl Grey) or acidic herbals (lemon & ginger, pomegranate, orange, etc). The only teas I tolerate are chamomile and rooibos tea. And only in small quantities between meals.

Currently reading

  • Children of Ruin (Children of Time #2) by Adrian Tchaikovsky
  • Team: Getting Things Done with Others by Edward Lamont, David Allen
  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

Some views from the Mackenzie King Estate

Post 41/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes

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By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • 🎽Something happened that my left hip started hurting to the point where I couldn't run and even walking was painful. I took some days to rest from running/walking and did lots of slow stretching to recover. Also, soaking in a hot bath helped relax my tense muscles. I went for a walk yesterday with no issues, so I try a run later this week.

  • ✏️ I moved my daily journaling to 750 Words.

  • 💻I'm rethinking my online content consumption. I've deleted the RSS feed reader app from my phone, and I've been doing some feed curation.

  • 📕 I abandoned a book I was reading for my Book Club. It's a sci-fi book part of a well-known series: Surface Detail by Iain M. Banks. I couldn't get past the fourth chapter which has a description of a virtual hell with lots of body horror/gory details. I couldn't finish the chapter, so that I was the cue for me to realize this book is not for me. I'm glad I didn't force myself into finishing it.

  • 🍎I started a diet plan issued by my Registered Dietitian. I loved the plan because it's simple and doesn't have any complicated recipes. I'm adding more fiber and protein to my diet while at the same time balancing the amount of food between snacks and meals. The plan is to eat more often in less quantity at once, so that I don't have my stomach too full (which worsens the acid reflux). Also, avoiding trigger foods. I'm still keeping a food diary to note symptoms.

  • 🥣 So I had chia pudding for breakfast for the first time! I added blueberries and sliced almonds. For some reason, my chia seeds took 2 nights to gel up well. Maybe they are old/stale? Anyway, I liked it, it is fulfilling and light at the same time.

  • 🏖️ I'm looking forward to the upcoming long weekend. Yay!

Currently reading

Post 37/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes #Blaugust2024 #Blaugust

Thoughts? Discuss... if you have a account or Reply by email

By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • 🍂 I can sense the change of seasons with days now around 20°C, shorter daylight hours, and darker mornings. Fall is approaching, and it’s my favorite season! I avoid hiking in the summer due to bugs, so I always wait for Fall to begin my hiking adventures.
  • ⛸ I enrolled for Fall Ice Skating classes!
  • 🍎 I'm still doing my food diary. I've got one more week to go before my next appointment with the registered dietitian.
  • 📚 I've been reading a lot! I've been spending less of my free time on the computer or on my phone and that means more reading. Sometimes I don't even turn on my personal laptop over the weekends. I'm just preferring more offline time when I’m not working.
  • 📖 I just started reading the next pick for my Book Club: Surface Detail (Culture #9) by Iain M. Banks. I'm not at all familiar with this series, so I had to do some research just to understand the world building a bit. The series can be read in any order, but since I've never read any of those books, I was a bit lost after I read the first 3 chapters of Surface Detail. But now I understand a little bit more of the universe, so I'll keep on reading.
  • I'm feeling overwhelmed by my RSS feeds. I’m subscribing to 70 feeds right now, and I feel it’s too much. I need to do a cleanup soon.
  • I didn’t play Stardew Valley this week.

Currently reading


Post 34/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes #Blaugust2024 #Blaugust

Thoughts? Discuss... if you have a account or Reply by email

By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • 🍎 I had my first appointment with a Registered Dietitian this week. It's been at least 7 years since I've last seen one and I feel I need better guidance on my diet now. I've been having more GERD symptoms lately, and I also noticed I've been mindlessly snacking all the time, and I gained some weight. I am basically doing a food diary for 2 weeks, registering all my meals and symptoms so that the dietitian can build a meal plan for me.

  • 🧀 Some diet notes: I think my lactose intolerance is becoming more severe. It has not been too intense in the past couple of years, so I still could eat cheese in moderation. But now... I'm already sad I will have to (probably) say goodbye to cheese 😢.

  • ✏️ I joined #Blaugust2024!

  • 📒 I've been using my Rocketbook Fusion for 4 months now for all my work notes. One thing I noticed is that I go through a LOT of ink! I've been buying the pens refills, and they go out fast! The process of scanning the pages with the app is great. Now, wiping off the pages with water and cloth every week... not so much. I haven't decided anything yet, but I think I've been putting off cleaning the pages because it's a lot of work. Food for thought.

  • 📖 I'm glad I finished reading the book for my next Book Club meet-up this weekend (I thought I wouldn't be able to make it). It's called “The City of Brass” by S.A. Chakraborty. It's not a bad book, it's well written, great world building, but I wouldn't give it 5 stars. It was meh. I'm still processing the reasons why I didn't enjoy it that much.

  • 🎧I've been listening to a few podcasts dedicated to the romance genre. I got some recommendations, and I tried a few books that really weren't my thing. Romance is such a vast genre, with hundreds of sub-genres, so I'm still learning about my reading preferences. The good thing is there is a book for every taste/trope/theme/setting. I will try some new authors in the next few months.

  • 🚩I deleted my blog's “Now Page”.

Cool Online Reads:

I enjoyed these articles discussing social media. I identify with the issues. I have a Mastodon account, which I don't really check that often.

About making reading fun (and reading more!):

And the benefits of therapy:

I loved this writing setup. I noticed we use the same mouse!

Romance Novels Podcasts I've been exploring:

Games I'm playing: Stardew Valley

  • I'm halfway into my first Fall season. I love the colors!
  • I got enough money and resources to expand my house and have a kitchen! (under construction)
  • I got a second chicken coop (to prepare for winter).
  • I found and retrieved Mayor Lewis Shorts.


Post 32/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes #Blaugust2024 #Blaugust

Thoughts? Discuss... if you have a account or Reply by email

By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.

  • 🏡 I took 2 days off this week right before a long weekend so I had an extra long weekend! I used that time to just relax at home. Lots of drinking tea and reading. Some light walks here and there. I also stayed away from my computer for the most part. My focus was only reading for a couple of days and it was relaxing.
  • ✍ Because I was mostly disconnected for the past few days, my RSS feed is full of unread articles right now. And I just noticed that Blaugust 2024 is on and that seems fun! So I'm thinking of joining on this second week.
  • 📚 I don't usually re-read books, but I decided to re-read a romance novel I read 9 years ago. I saw it being discussed in a podcast, and there are some interesting elements about it that I completely forgot and probably didn't pay attention to the first time I read it. So I did finish it, and I really enjoyed it!
  • 💪 I went to the gym instead of running outside this week because it was too hot. Another heat wave came in.


Post 29/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge (Round 2)!

#100DaysToOffload #100Days #weeknotes #Blaugust2024 #Blaugust

Thoughts? Discuss... if you have a account or Reply by email

By Noisy Deadlines Minimalist in progress, nerdy, introvert, skeptic. I don't leave without my e-reader.