Noisy Deadlines


I'm re-discovering this universe of Plain Text and Markdown enthusiasts. It's fascinating!

I discovered in 2018 and that was the first time I saw Markdown. I used to have my blog on Medium at that time because I loved the writing experience there (I used Tumblr before that). Then I moved all my writing to I love the minimalist interface and distraction-free environment.

I used for about a year and something happened in my life that made me look for complex solutions. Go figure... Or maybe I just wanted to try WordPress to see what it was all about.

WordPress was... overwhelming! Bloated with stuff I didn't need or wanted...

And then they changed to this new editor. I didn't want to write there anymore. It was cumbersome! So I started using Evernote, Word, OneNote to write. Then I would copy-paste into WordPress. What a mess! I made lots of experimentation. None of them pleased me. Formatting issues were endlessly annoying!

And now I'm back at 💜. Re-learning Markdown, and loving it!